Control all the parameters of your machine through a mobile app via Bluetooth.
It’s easy and convenient, offering the same adjustments available on the machine’s control panel and more:
- Turn the coffee group and steam boiler on/off.
- Set weekly on/off schedules to improve energy efficiency.
- Manage the standby mode.
- PID electronic control of the coffee group temperature with a precision of 0.1ºC.
- PID electronic control of the steam boiler temperature with a precision of 1ºC.
- Choose between °C or °F.
- Counters (total and partial number of coffees made).
- Programmable pre-infusion time for each selection (from 0 to 5 seconds) with a precision of 0.1 seconds.
- Volumetric regulation of all options.
- Option to connect to either a water tank or a direct water supply.
- Language selection.
- Reset, import/export machine configuration parameters.