‘We should remember that when the point of contact between the product and the people becomes a point of friction, then the designer has failed. On the other hand, if people are made safer, more comfortable, more eager to purchase, more efficient – or just plain happier – by contact with the product, then the designer has succeeded.’

Designing for People
Henry Dreyfuss
Keeping baristas happy

In the espresso world, when we talk about ergonomics we mean the optimization of the design of the coffee machine so the professional barista can work in the utmost comfort. Basically, what we are looking for is that the barista can perform his ‘choreography’ smoothly, comfortably and happily.

Based on structured data collection, we have designed our machine in line with the different ergonomic parameters demanded by baristas to ensure that their relationship with the Barista T is a joyous one. The essential elements have been devised and designed so that the creation of an espresso coffee and its specific choreography take place in the most comfortable possible circumstances for the professional barista.

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  • The groups, the display and the accessories are completely visible.
  • Ergonomic filter holder: the filter holder is one of the most heavily used parts of the machine. It is important that the design facilitates the barista’s work.

    We focused on various aspects of the handle:

    • Designed to adapt to the palm of the hand, conveying a pleasant sense of strength and safety in use.
    • The 10º tilt facilitates its use, allowing the hand to adopt a natural position.
    • Horizontal resting position of the filter holder for perfect tamping of the ground coffee.
    • The body of the filter holder has a flat base to facilitate optimum tamping.
  • Soft filter holder closing action: The precision-design of the group head and the conical design of the seal ring provide a smooth, streamlined and uniform feeling when coupling the filter holder to the group.
  • Steam lever/knobs. The lever system is the most suitable for human use in ergonomic terms. A smooth, intuitive ‘natural’ movement makes it easy to use and control. When the barista activates the cam, he can adjust the amount of steam in proportion to the level of force exerted. It can also be left completely open.
  • Steam wands and water tubes in AISI 316 stainless steel

    • Temperature. ’Cool touch’ (with thermal insulation). Rules out the risk of burns and offers greater user comfort.
    • Cleaning. The cool stainless steel facilitates cleaning as the milk does not adhere to it.
    • Mobility. 360º rotation. Multi-directional and very long. Designed to be used with any type and size of jug. We use a non-slip rubber seal ring on the wand to facilitate its movement and reduce the heat factor even further.
  • High-precision, easy-to-read pressure valves.
  • Pump pressure adjustable from outside. The barista can act directly to adapt the pressure to his/her requirements.
  • Whether the elevated or non-elevated version, it just takes a simple gesture. Double height available: 9 and 12 cm. This option is ideal for new drink types or consumer habits (take-aways) which are sold in different containers from the traditional coffee cup.
  • Spacious cup warmer. Totally accessible. On/Off.
  • Thin wire rack. Designed to keep the bottoms of the cups clean.
  • Back-lit button pad.
  • Chronometer function.
  • Work area light. On/off.


Keeping technicians happy

The machine has been designed primarily from the point of view of the barista, but we also took the technician’s perspective very much into account.

This is a nice product to repair! It is easy to dismantle with standard tools.  It has very few screws and the components are easily accessible. There is plenty of space to carry out repairs with complete assurance.

This is a key factor to consider in a high quality product.

Good design presupposes that the product can be dismantled and repaired with ease. The idea is that it will last for years and years.

It is a matter of quality, productivity and also sustainability.

We have worked on this component by component.
  • Easy access. By just taking out a few screws you have access to all the components: Solenoid valves, heating elements… everything inside the machine.
  • Internal valves. We have installed valves to facilitate the machine’s repair either on site or in a workshop.
  • Steam wands. Very easy to dismantle. Easy to clean.
  • External pump regulation. Easy access
  • Electrical and electronic components protected and insulated from heat sources (boilers). Independent, unified electronic section. Easy access for repairs. The use of insulating material for boilers guarantees a ‘cool’ interior temperature and lengthens the lifespan of all the components, avoiding the need for repairs.